Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sometimes I just have to record the conversations I overhear...

Claudia: Jake, you're in my room. That means I have to give you a test.

Jake: Okay.

C: Do boys like princesses? [These questions come in rapid succession.]

J: Yes.

C: Do boys like makeup?

J: Yes.

C: Do boys like dolls?

J: Yes.

C: Do boys like Transformers?

J: Uhhh...no.

C: Do boys like Batman?

J: No.

C: Do boys like Star Wars?

J: No.

C: Do boys like birthdays?

J: No.

C: Do boys like rats? [This one threw me off.]

J: No.

C: Okay, you can stay.

1 comment:

Maria the Great said...

Hilarious!!! Nice job remembering. Rats? really? so funny